
Peter Jaramaz pjaramaz at
Fri May 15 01:05:32 GMT 1998

I find the standard Windows Messaging/Exchange that come with Windows works 
well in terms of memery, speed and features.

Outlook overthrows your President and installs a facist dictator as you 
EMail program and just about grinds a P233 to a halt while searching for 
the word "Fish" in all of your files :-)

If only I could turn off the winmail :-(


From: 	Clare Snyder
Sent: 	Friday, May 15, 1998 10:06 AM
To: 	diy_efi at
Subject: 	Re: Attachments

Peter Jaramaz wrote:
> Does anybody know how to switch it off in Exchange.
> Unfortunately I can only use Exchange or Outlook and bugger me if i'll 
> an EMail program take over my machine. Made that mistake once, fixed it
> with FORMAT :-)
> Peter

I use Netscape or Eudora for E-Mail. Much simpler than MickeySoft, takes
less memory and resources - runs faster, etc etc. The Microsoft stuff is
nice, but it is too much, too complex, etc.

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