0 280 150 215 flow rate

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Tue May 19 21:23:19 GMT 1998

From: Tony Cooper <tony.cooper at virgin.net>

>> Over on another list there was some actual testing done along these
>> lines, and they went to 100PSI with the output predicted with the
>> "standard" formula ie (off the top of my head) the square root of
>>   Also the F1 group supposedly runs 5-7 bar.
>> I would imagine two problems at these pressures, injector seat wear,
>> and needing to maintain 85% PWM.  I forget the frequency they used
>> in above testing, but I think they also maintained the 85% figure.
>> HTH
>> Bruce  nacelp at bright.net
>Hi Bruce,
>Would it be possible to verify the formulie SQRT(P1/P2) please

yes, valid

>Also, where is the 'other' group that you quote???

syty at syty.org  web site at like www.syty.org or some such
>Thanks in advance
>Sent By Tony Cooper.
>email: tony.cooper at virgin.net
>Allow at least 10 working minutes for reply. ;)
Hmm, I now have to quote sources, and be reminded of things..
I must be slipping........
Bruce   Must be the medications, can't be because of the Cone 
             Shaped Hat, or can it????????.

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