The wonder of Aus (CDI kits etc)

Mike Morrin mikem at
Fri May 22 07:14:10 GMT 1998

At 12:01 PM 22/05/98 +1000, Wayne Blair wrote:
>>From: garfield at

>>Lemme see if I understand how these outfits in Oz work. The projects are
>>published in Silicon Chip or Electronics Australia, and then DSE, or
>>Jaycar, or RCSRadio does these kits up and sells them, so that they're
>>all pretty much the same function, if kit'ed up by more than one
>>company? Is that right?
>Close, kits are usually with a %5 percent of each other
>The kits are mainly done some other company and the parts are packaged by 
>Dick or whoever. Sometime one company or the other has a monoply on a kit
>(for what ever reason).

Quite often Dick Smith or whoever actually do the development (or sponsor
it), have the design published in the magazine (lots of publicicty) and
then recover their costs through the sale of the kits.  This works
especially well where there are special components like transformers which
are specially manufactured for the kit.  I think this was the case with the



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