PCM Identified! Now What About The Engine...

lkurek at smtpgate.anl.gov lkurek at smtpgate.anl.gov
Tue May 26 19:37:11 GMT 1998

     A couple of quick things here...
     First, you HAVE to pull the valve covers and get some casting numbers 
     and date codes. Also, you should get the block code off the front of 
     the engine so you can cross reference it. You may have a pieced 
     together setup where you may/may not have a 93 F-car engine and you 
     may/may not have the correct heads and you may/may not have a 5.7L 
     engine....but DO have a 93 harness/ECM. At least you KNOW what the ECM 
     is from...
     Second, while I personally enjoy this thread, *what* does it have to 
     do with EFI? Yes, ID'ing the ECM etc was relevant, but the discussion 
     on what years had what LT1 is getting pretty much off topic....
     PS...private E-mail me with codes and I'll see if I can get you some 

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Subject: Re: PCM Identified!  Now What About The Engine...
Author:  <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu> at internet
Date:    5/26/98 2:25 PM

Roger Heflin wrote:
> >
> > After talking to the techs at Superchips (nice folks) they ran the part 
> > number through a program they had and voila!
> > "1993 LT-1, Automatic Transmission, Federal Emissions" 
> >
> > Now the mystery is REALLY intense because as my logic and understanding 
> > permits:
> >
> > Iron heads = B Body
> > 1993 = No LT-1 available for B body
> > 1993 = LT-1 only available for Y and F bodies 
> > 2-Bolt Main  = B or F bodies
> >
> > So any further ideas who I might be able to talk to?
> > More importantly as far as the electronics are concerned, is there some
> > connector that would easily identify the engine components as plugging into 
> > a '93?
> >
> > Bob Dupree
> >
> Well, none of the 93 series LT1 had a MAF I believe, they where all
> batch fire Speed density systems.  So no maf kinda confirms 93, I think 
> all of the 94 and up LT1s where mass air cars, I know for sure that
> the f-bodies where, I don't know about the b-bodies.  Other than 
> the MAF I don't think there is any difference.
>                                 Roger
>                                 93 Z28.
        I agree with above, 93 was Batch fire without MAF. 94 and
up was sequential with MAF. I didn't think they made an iron 
head LT1 in 93. I thought that the LT1 was only available in 
Y & F-bodies in 93. Sounds like you have a 93 Camaro 
computer and a 94 or later B body engine. Did you get a MAF 
with the engine. The MAF is an Aluminum Sensor that is 
between in the air tube between the Throttle plate and the 
Air Cleaner. All the air has to flow through it.

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