Raymond C Drouillard cosmic.ray at
Thu May 28 03:25:05 GMT 1998

On Thu, 21 May 1998 22:36:19 -0400 "Thor Johnson" <thormj at>
>> Gotcha covered again. Good point on the multiple 
>> sensor business. BTW,
>> do any production cars ever come this way with duals 
>> on exh and sensor?
>> Just wonderin if there are stock ECMs available to 
>> scan two sensors.
>> Heh, not sure what they'd do, control mix on each bank 
>> separate (:o) or
>> what, but it's an interesting question.
>  Not a per-bank thingus (IIRC), but the Nissan 300ZX has 2 EGO's:
>1 Before Cat & 1 After Cat.  I dunno what they are supposed to do
>(cept maybe tell the mechanic that you bypassed the cat!)
>-Thor Johnson
>thormj at

It's for OBDII (Onboard Bigbrother ???).  The smog police need merely
hook up the connecter and note that there is less oxygen after the
converter.  If you gut the cat, the O2 level will be identical.  Maybe
the next thing they'll come up with is a transponder that will transmit
your speed when pinged - or am I being paranoid?

I suppose the engine controller could use the info to detect misfires,
less than perfect combustion, or whatever.  That's what it's for.  Yah,
that's it.  That's the ticket....  ha ha ha  <ahem>

Ray Drouillard

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