Coils for ION ... still a bust somewhat

Clare Snyder snyder at
Fri May 29 21:03:52 GMT 1998

garfield at wrote:
> Hey Maties.
> First thanks for all the suggestions and replys. Here's an update from
> the coil research clearinghouse B). The external HEI coil sure looked
> promising, it doth appear on the face to have the right number of
> connections, but fails the metering test. The primary and secondary are
> NOT separated as you'd expect. The internal HEI does indeed fit the
> bill, but as I and others have remarked, man what a whopper, and not
> real suited for practical mounting.
> So unless we happen upon something at this late date, it looks like if I
> wanna use a widely available auto part (yeah, the motorcycle parts sound
> great, but just personally mindya, I wanna look for something I can
> deploy on eXperimental aircraft that need parts replacement sources for
> 15-20yrs into the future, and so moto parts worry me a lil on that
> score), then I might be shut up to using them wasteFire coils. Now I
> have to look for some that don't use the spade terminal wongous, cuz
> mounting them without their module bases using exposed spade terminals
> doesn't give me the warmNfuzzies. I'm pretty sure such a beast is
> available amonst the Big 3, so maybe it's no-worries time. I dunno. I
> just don't understand why GM can't supply us with the coil of our
> dreams; don't they know we've got over 400 members now! B)))
> Gar
try ford
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