Coils for ION ... still a bust somewhat

Clare Snyder snyder at
Fri May 29 21:39:04 GMT 1998

steve ravet wrote:
> garfield at wrote:
> >
> > Hey Maties.
> >
> > First thanks for all the suggestions and replys. Here's an update from
> > the coil research clearinghouse B). The external HEI coil sure looked
> > promising, it doth appear on the face to have the right number of
> > connections, but fails the metering test. The primary and secondary are
> > NOT separated as you'd expect. The internal HEI does indeed fit the
> > bill, but as I and others have remarked, man what a whopper, and not
> > real suited for practical mounting.
> I didn't perform the metering test, but according to the schematic my
> external HEI coil is separated.  It has to be, because the HEI module
> switches the primary ground connection on and off to fire the coil.
> --steve
> --
> Steve Ravet
> International Meta Systems
> steve at
Looking at Mitchell EFI manual - has some ignition stuff in it too.
There are several different HEI coils. 1988 Caprice, GrandPrix and Monte
4.3 uses separated windings in the coil. So does the 87 4.3. These are
the EST systems. Intersting point, the 5.0 litre EST internal coil is
NOT separate windings, except for the 88 Caddy DFI. SO, coil from Caddy
DFI with ESC, or 4.3 EST should work. The others are all suspect.
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