O2 sensor

Steve Gorkowski kb4mxo at mwt.net
Mon Nov 2 02:11:36 GMT 1998

I do not know if you can only get leaded gas but i can get more HP out of
unleaded race gas in short track work with the small carb rules and i would
think that HP would be the same with the big carbs. Then tune with O2 meter


Bruce Plecan wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Piper <dapiper at one.net>
> To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
> Date: Sunday, November 01, 1998 3:29 PM
> Subject: O2 sensor
> Just my two cents, it really doesn't matter much.  If your racing the heat +
> lead
> will get to them, but if for a once inna while thing no big deal.
> Considering
> some countries just went to unleaded, and have been running o2 for years.
> As long as the are driven some with unleaded, while the life is probably
> shortened some, no big deal.  If for pure racing then the penalty is short
> life,
> and I can't see one ceramic being that much different even thou some
> manufacturers would like you to think so.  There is just so many things they
> add to gas to make it so, getting a 50K is a wonder it itself.
> Bruce
> >Anyone know of 4-wire sensor that is preferred due to its resistance to
> lead
> >poisoning?  Search of local parts store turned up several Bosch P/N's LSH
> >22, 25 and 64.  They all appear the same, except for lead length and
> >termination style.  Are there any other differences?   I heard the NTK used
> >for Fords is especially resistant.  Where can I get these?
> >
> >Thanks
> >TurboDave
> >

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