Need help Identifying Injector flow rates

Jemison Richard JemisonR at
Mon Nov 30 11:12:31 GMT 1998


Along this line (and being one of the initiates to the actual injectors) is
there a cross reference for identifying peak and holds versus other types,
pintle versus disc.  I would like to use peak and hold injectors but would
like to use rebuilt injectors if possible.  I have no idea what vehicles
used these however.  Also, the disc have been mentioned before as being
better in  some respects than the pintle type.  What vehicles use these?  



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	ECMnut at [SMTP:ECMnut at]
> Sent:	Sunday, November 29, 1998 10:46 PM
> To:	diy_efi at
> Subject:	Need help Identifying Injector flow rates
>  If anyone knows of any good docs for identifying 
> Japanese injectors, I could really use your assistance.
> I have 5 different injectors pictured on a page at:
>  I have a bunch of them, especially the purple one
>  (#2 in the list) and would be happy to share if 
> you can help me identify them.  I need to know the
>  flow rates so that I can use them in different projects.
> All I know for sure, is they are from Japanese engines.
> Mike V

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