Pulse doubler schematic

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Thu Oct 1 15:48:05 GMT 1998

No the file was an attachment yesterday, and has not been built
yet.  I'm trying to gather the parts to build one, and test it before it
gets advertiesed as a "This Works" item.

>> > OK, on to phase 2,   As I understand things to use the schematic from
>> > yesterday, I would need the following.
>This pulse doubler schematic is in the DYI_EFI file repository 
>correct?  could someone send me the URL.  Also, the DIY_EFI archives 
>link keeps giving me an "error code 405 - method not allowed"...
>any news??
>Greg woods
>gwoods at symtx.com
>austin, tx

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