The other two I.C's in the Memcal

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Mon Oct 5 01:45:30 GMT 1998

As explained to me, the 18 pin is the netres, which sets the
fueling via the redundant fuel device.  For Limp Home Mode.
In limp home mode there is no ecm timing control.
  The 14 pin is the ESC chip, weither a netres or not I don't know.
But, it sets the acoustic footprint that the ecm looks for in
appling ESC controls.

>>I knew they wee resistor packs,  but what is their function?   anybody
>>which function is which?  pin to pin?   they  probably set comparitor
>>levels, I
>>would guess,  such as maybe turn on off a/c clutch when MAP varies by so
>I'm told the resistor packs are there to set default levels for 'limp home'
>Steve Lamb
>Department of Defence, DSTO
>Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory
>506 Lorimer Street
>Fishermans Bend  VIC 3207 Australia
>Tel: +61 3 9626 7525
>Fax: +61 3 9626 7089
>IZCC #180

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