Editor Needed

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Wed Oct 7 17:57:01 GMT 1998

I've got some neat stuff that needs to be homogenized, and rewritten, to be
posted here/ftp for DIY_EFI.  This is just a
thankless job worth a few atta-boys from me.

Is there someone with some "extra" time that can edit 3 groups
of info into one document for programming ecms.  Need someone
that has some idea about what's going on.

I've cut alot of the filler out, so it's meaty material, "just" too good,
for my approach to writting to hang up as is.

There's a far amount of abbreviations, and explainations, that just
need to be put into alphabetical order.

Bruce     Doc says he'll do it but, cars might be obsolete before
               he's done

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