Cheap O2 Sensors and reference air

Greg Hermann bearbvd at
Sat Oct 10 13:31:33 GMT 1998

>> >If the wires are properly crimped you will not loose the reference
>> >air inside the wires.   Jim
>> So that's where the fool things get their reference air--I'd been
>Pull back the wire heat sheath and look at top of sensor
>you will see that wires or not sealed were they enter the sensor,
>there is a gap for air to enter.  To block air, you would have to
>seal the heat sheath to the sensor with a high temp. sealant and use
>a air tight shrink wrap over the wires and conections, then evacuate
>the wire housing and leave at vacuum or fill with inert gas.
>You could try other gases to recalibrate the sensor.
>It does not matter what type of connection you use, I would recommend
>high temp. and not silicone sealer.
>I have found it a little difficult to solder the O2 wires, they seem
>to be high temp. A very hot iron and different flux % could help.

Didn't want to block, just wondered where they get their reference air--as
it is a very necessary part of their function.

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