New Chev Firing Order

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Fri Oct 23 16:26:07 GMT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: mrvette <mrvette at>
To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: New Chev Firing Order

#5 piston is decclerating, and it is to a certain extent this ramming
on air that moves toward filling #7 since it's piston is acclerating
away from the open valve.  The since #5 is actually rich, the soot/
excess carbon glowing ignites the next charge prematurely.  Being
rich it's easier to ignite, and generate this soot.
  On a, common plenum,  wet manifolded engine #5 can be a problem, since it
also fuel that is "stolen".  But, with TPI then it's air, and the opposite.
  Little to none of this is about dual planes.
Again, another inna nutshell explaination, as relayed to me.
Bruce      Doc thinks ceramic coating his clothing will help
                minimize heat build up when skiing.

>Interesting comment   since  5 gets it's air b-4   #  7   why should IT
>first?    seems it would have a full charge...or is it related to another
>cylinder in a dual plane manifold?  in a common plenum  such as L98 etc.
>statement needs clarification to me....GENE
>> 7+5 rob each other in intake tract pulsations.  7 stealing from 5,
>> 5 being the one to knock first..
>> Bruce
>> >>
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