answer to cheep advance question
sganz at
Thu Oct 29 01:24:12 GMT 1998
Looks like here is a list of modifications, for one thing the knock sensor
will be of little use without some sort of tunable device or ability to
adjust the sensitivity etc. Must have several options for trigger,
reluctor, mag, led. Keyboard and display can go, how about a rs232 port and
use the rest of the I/O for something useful, A/D or what ever.
At 08:13 AM 10/29/98 +1300, you wrote:
>At 08:07 am 10/28/98 -0600, Mike Ayres wrote:
>>Look at
>>The kit looks like it will do all you ask for under $50 bucks US. Knock
>>sensor input, programed avance with two options, and a tac output.
>I have just built one of these for a friend (not tested yet), and I would
>point out some limitations:
>1. The unit has no provision for an analogue engine load input, vacuum
>advance sensing is 1 bit digital.
>2. The knock sense input is the same input as the vacuum advance (i.e. you
>can't have both).
>3. You need an external ignition coil driver. This unit does not do
>dynamic dwell control.
>4. It is not compatible with a reluctor trigger.
>5. The author constantly refers to ignition dwell as being the proportion
>of time which the points are OPEN.
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