EFI Head Volume
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Wed Apr 7 01:02:36 GMT 1999
True, as the quench area increase so does the likely hood of detonation.
From: Greg Hermann[SMTP:bearbvd at sni.net]
Sent: April 5, 1999 10:24 PM
To: diy_efi at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: EFI Head Volume
>I thought the aluminum vette heads and the early powerpack heads were
>the only ones with chambers that small.
>Any others?
>Mark Romans wrote:
>> The stock cast iron head is 58.5? Whoa, I thought it would have a bigger
>> chamber than that. Thanks for the info.
>> Also quench area is critical in preventing pre-ignition
Make that "DETONATION"!! Different animals.--Yeah, I'm being picky tonight!
so he would rather
>> increase the combustion chamber volume than shim the head up. Thanks again.
>> Mark
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