Torque measurement

Eric Schumacher e.schumacher at
Fri Apr 9 18:20:33 GMT 1999

Long ago there were some guys that bolted a linear position sensor to the
fire wall (for transverse engines) and the input shaft to the top of the
block. Amount of position shift of engine against mounts indicated amount
of torque. Was caliblated with torque rwrench on crank end with car in high
gear and front bumper against a tree. In-accuracies are due to the changes
of properties of rebber when it changes temp.

Lotsa luck Eric
85 GTI with VR6 Power

At 10:48 AM 4/8/99 -0300, you wrote:
>I have some strain guages that I was thinking of attaching to my motor
>mounts, the idea being to measure the torque output of the engine.  I want
>to calibrate it by imobilizing the crank relative to the block, and then

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