VE calculations from torque graph and manifold pressure.

Walter Sherwin wsherwin at
Tue Feb 2 22:33:15 GMT 1999

>Given the fact that I have a DYNO torque curve of a motor over it entire
>range for WOT
>I should be able to convert torque to VE

Assuming you have plugged in the appropriate constants for your engine's
displacement and injectors, then yes the shape of the WOT VE table will
closely resemble the shape of the WOT torque curve.  You might want to aim
for 80% VE at peak torque, just to give yourself some headroom to play
around in.

>With the above results I should be able to build one column in my VE map in
>my 808 ECU.
>Would it be possible to somehow via math's calculations to work out
>The VE numbers for all other load conditions.

To get close,  just use a ratio factor.  50 MAP would lead you to a VE of
50% of the WOT VE table value, at that engine speed.  You should be able to
start to tune with  such a Map.

Have Fun;

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