PWM fuel pump

Tom Sharpe twsharpe at
Thu Feb 18 03:22:08 GMT 1999

rauscher at wrote:

> Getting back on this late... but better then never...
> I think your right on the money here Tom, a PIC or small micro is
> the way to go. Due to all the inputs required, and the fuel pressure
> curve desired, doing this in analog is not the way to go.
> I have an analog error-amp/charge-pump feedback system working, but
> this will only provide for a single pressure. The pressure requested  is
> by a pot, the real pressure is fed-back via a fuel pressure sensor. This
> would be adequate for a TBI system. A port system would need at the
> least a manifold pressure sensor (MAP) adjustment also.

Bob, I want to use that Motorola/99 Mustang map adjusted fuel pressure sensor that
puts out 0-5 volts to feedback the analog circuit... then we have a map + pot
adjustable fuel pressure.

Phase two is to drive it from an analog or pwm signal from the ECU.

how about a schematic for phase one????

Tia  Tom

> At this point, I've gots' to get the EFI system fully operational on the car,
> then I can start playing more with this stuff.

PS I need this on my current vehicle as well as several others on the list.....

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