oops.......... smog patrol ........
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Sat Jan 2 20:52:35 GMT 1999
If you are running headers with a low restriction exhaust system a properly
placed air inlet tube in the vicinity of the collectors will draw in fresh
air or could be connected to a compressed air tank. Drag racers have been
using this method for years to evacuate the oil pan ( neg. pressure) to
help seal the rings. A few year ago Car Craft ran an article on a 455
Pontiac race motor and getting it to pass the '92 standards IM240 emission
test. They used this method to introduce 02 upstream of the cat's. You need
an low differential pressure anti-reversion valve typically used in late
'70 early '80's AIR systems. Sure wish that my wife didn't through out that
edition. The article ran Aug. '95 or Aug. '96.
From: Greg Hermann[SMTP:bearbvd at sni.net]
Sent: January 1, 1999 9:49 PM
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: oops... (was Re: Nology)
>Oh yea - one more thing - you don't need to trigger the LCD from a camera
>flash, just
>drive it from a RADAR detector. Pick the signal off the red LED, and throw
>in a 10
>second delay before the LCD is allowed to return to normal.
Great thinkin' as to how to turn on any such countermeasures!!
Mebbe a mottled pattern high intensity light, filtered to match a plate
color and aimed at the plate would work better (and cheaper) than an LED
screen. (Plus it would, technically, not be "obscuring" the plate.) Make it
a thirty second delay, and add a light for the rear plate just to be sure!
Nest question--what do we use to trigger (turn on) the same lights in the
presence of one of the roadside smog sniffers (which I think are infra-red
Regards, Greg
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