92 Corvette LT-1

EFISYSTEMS at aol.com EFISYSTEMS at aol.com
Sat Jan 2 23:45:02 GMT 1999

In a message dated 1/2/99 2:47:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, ChvyRs92 at aol.com

<< Subj:	 92 Corvette LT-1
 Date:	1/2/99 2:47:23 PM Pacific Standard Time
 From:	ChvyRs92 at aol.com
 Sender:	owner-diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
 Reply-to:	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
 To:	DIY_EFI at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
 I have a 92 Camaro that had a v-6 in it, I recently purchased a 92 Corvette
 LT-1 motor with both computers (the ECM, and the CCM ). My big problem is
 figuring out how to wire the new motor. I know of a few aftermarket companies
 that sell wiring harnesses, but they are pretty expensive and I don't know if
 I really need them because I have the stock Corvette harness. I am also
 curious if I need to disable the VATS or can I wire it up to the module
 currently in my 92 Camaro? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
     In my opinion I think it would be best to get the GM service manuals for
both vehicles so you have an accurate schematic for both wiring
harness'....then start cutting.......If you have a prom reader/burner  I'm
sure one of us on this list could give you the address info to eliminate your
VATS....otherwise you might want to spend a couple of bucks and send it to one
of us willing to do some custom work on the chip for you.....Hypertech,JET and
others can do this also..........hth's
-Carl Summers

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