IAC controller circuit

rauscher at icst.com rauscher at icst.com
Mon Jan 4 21:07:00 GMT 1999

OK, finally got it together. I finished the schematics and
the write-up on the stepper motor control circuit. It's all
been uploaded to the 'incoming' site.


Stepdrv.txt         The what/how/why and where.
StepDrv1.gif        Image, page 1 of schematics
StepDrv2.gif        Image, page 2 of schematics

Now, before anybody jumps up and down about the hand
drawn schematics, well, I'm a software guy. I almost
had to use a crayon ;) {the sharpest nearby items are
the corners on my keyboard}.

The purpose of this circuit/project is to be able to
control the IAC by itself. That is, you can extend or
retract the pintle at will. This is a stand-alone

Have fun, any questions, I'll be here for awhile. (At
least 'til next vacation/holiday).


Who put silly-putty on the point of his cone shaped
hat 'lest I cut myself.


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