ECM connector cleaner

Clarence Wood clarencewood at
Fri Jan 8 17:40:51 GMT 1999

  After chasing, for over a year, a stumble that occurs as boost goes over 5 lbs I had the remarkable encounter with a person who knew exactly what caused the problem.  Strange, how solutions to problems present themselves!
  Anyway, he told me that the Nissan 280's have a problem with the ECM, or ECCS, connectors.  For some reason they become corroded and for some reason this causes a stumble.  He said that they, in his shop, pull the connectors and spray them with WD40.  Well, gasp!  Not trusting WD40 to the task I used CRC contact cleaner, worked the connectors in and out, and low and behold, the stumble disappeared!!!! (:>  ZM000000M
  Now, what can I do to solve this problem???  Is there some chemical that I can use that will stop the corrosion?  I thought about removing the connectors and using connectors like on my computer, that could be locked into place by set screws.  This is a lot of work.  Surely there must be something that can be sprayed, that will do the job!

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