Photo Radar

todd israels israels at MNSi.Net
Fri Jan 8 23:33:40 GMT 1999

At 10:43 PM 1/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Got a 3M P/N for the stuff?
>From: 	Eric Schumacher[SMTP:e.schumacher at]
>Sent: 	January 6, 1999 11:08 PM
>To: 	diy_efi at
>Subject: 	Re: Photo Radar
>3M makes some stuff they call Louver Film. It comes in a sheet (.062 or
>,032 thick) and built like a venitian blind, so restricts the viewing
>angle. Opaque off the design axis and clear on  axis.  We use it in the
>dispay biz to control the viewing angle of flat panel displays. 
>Lotsa Luck Eric
>85 GTI with VR6 Power
	I have heard a roumor that several layers of clearcoat applied to the
plate will give a simmilar result.  Mutch like you can see the rool if you
look directly at a rool of plastic film(seran wrap) but the rool soon
disapears as it rool away.  Dont know any details except a comment of 2
cans per plate.  
	A bike rack mounted on the hitch will work as well and probably not get
the police excited very often.  
		Todd Israels

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