Turbo header design

Jemison Richard JemisonR at tce.com
Sat Jan 9 21:10:55 GMT 1999


You're absolutely correct.  But of all the 4 stroke 4 cyls I've owned these
two are the only ones to make use of the fact and run nultiple cyls off same
coil, bank for injectors, etc.  Sorry for stating something which at least
on the outset seems obvious.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Clive Apps   Techno-Logicals   416 510 0020
> [SMTP:clive at problem.tantech.com]
> Sent:	Saturday, January 09, 1999 1:41 AM
> To:	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject:	Re: Turbo header design
> > 
> > Fred,
> > 
> > Well, I've got 4 XS1100s and they definitely get a punch from the 180
> design
> > (95hp) stock.  And this was 20 years ago.  The uneven torque helps when
> the
> > surface doesn't allow an even transfer of power (like dirt tracks for
> > instance).  Then the uneven machines have a definite advantage as the
> lull
> > between strokes helps the tire 'grab' the track again.  
> all 4 cyl 4 strokes should be 180^ by default
> anything else would be just plain dumb
> Clive 

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