555 EFI
Clarence L.Snyder
clare.snyder.on.ca at ibm.net
Tue Jan 19 01:56:56 GMT 1999
Don.F.Broadus at ucm.com wrote:
> When I was at a Research Lab we used a circuit to run the Dyno engines so I
> know it works. I cant scan it but could fax it to
> someone who could. The circuit triggers from dist pulses from the HEI module
> REF lead to a cd4013 Flip/Flop and cd4538 Dual monostable. The Q output of
> the 4013 goes to pin 2 of a 2 input And gate cd 4081. The Not Q goes to pin
> 5 of the 4081. Pins 1 and 6 of the 4081 are tied together and go to the Q
> output of the 4538. The pulse width is controlled by a 100K pot and .1 mfd
> cap on pin 2 of the 4538. Pins 4 and 3 of the 4081 go to power transistors
> that fire the injectors. 10K resistors are in series with the base of the
> transistors. A Throttle position sensor can be used in place of the 100K
> pot and will vary the pulse width from approx .5 to 10 Msec. If the TPS is
> 10K add resistors on each end of the pot to get 100K total. Place a switch
> on the Bypass line of the HEI, open to start, Ground to run. Now to the
> part I haven't tested yet. A FORD MAP sensor outpus a frequency in relation
> to the Vac present. Connect the output of the FORD MAP to the HEI module
> EST input. After the engine starts flip the switch to RUN and the FORD MAP
> will output about 160 Hz to the HEI mod. This should advance the timing. As
> you Rev the engine the Freq. will go down and retard the timing. If you
> want to add a coolant sensor and rather use a Voltage output MAP. Use a
> Summing amp config on the input of the monostable and a VCO to control the
> timing. Just my .02$ for a circuit that will run a engine for testing at a
> junk yard or on a stand.
> Don
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: AL8001 at aol.com [SMTP:AL8001 at aol.com]
> > Sent: Friday, January 15, 1999 8:45 AM
> > To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> > Subject: Re: 555 EFI
> >
> > In a message dated 99-01-15 09:33:21 EST, nacelp at bright.net writes:
> >
> > > I'm looking to keep this as much as an entry level thing, meaning
> > >nothing but 555s, op-amps, and a final drive.
> >
> > Something like this would be great for testing junk yard engines or
> > moveing a
> > car that's a "work in progress" when the ECM and related parts are gone.
> >
> > Harold
I'm intersted, and I have a scanner if you want to fax it to me drop me
a line off list and I'll give you my fax line #.
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