HALP Quadrajet dribbling

Sandy sganz at wgn.net
Tue Jan 19 21:37:36 GMT 1999

The beloved QJet, my favorite carb!, A couple of things can cause the
dribble. Some QJets have bad seals under the wells for the pri jets, Check
under the main bowl for fuel leaks. Most QJet books show some repair for
this, the second thing is to check the accelerator pump as it may be
missing the ball bearing that stops fuel from getting sucked into the
engine (I think this is true, been a long time), Check for vacuum leaks
and general top gasket leaks, and use a vacuum gauge to see if it is
steady, if not, your enrichment circuits (the piston with the needles
attached) will pop up and will cause fuel to pour in. If this is the case
you will need to bump the idle a bit or find the leak, maybe bad pvc or
hose. Also sometimes you can cheat by bumping the timming to get some more
rpm at idle.


At 12:33 AM 1/19/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Howday all
>Hope you don't mind a excursion into history
>Relative has a quadrajet equiped car which must pass smog
>To get the cat to light CO must stay below 1%
>We can get this adjustment but dribbling from the
>primary venturi booster sets in.. randomly.
>One minute the CO is 0 % cat on and next
>minute is 5% cat drowned not lit.
>Does anyone remember how to cure venturi dribbling
>I managed to do this once by increasing the idle
>feed restrictions but smog won't allow me to do
>Any ideas please

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