Todd Israels israels at MNSi.Net
Wed Jan 27 22:03:57 GMT 1999

At 09:01 PM 1/26/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Could someone tell me what functions the VSS signal might affect in the 92
>3.1L V6 Camaro ECM.  The motor/ECM came off a manual tranny car and my
>project car application won't have this signal available unless I install an
>aftermarket speed sensor.  Do I need this signal?
>V6 Opel GT
	The VSS affects the operation of the speed cut out(usualy set at max for
stock tiers, but aerodinamic stability can be a factor if deffeted).
Accuracy of signal(pulses per mile) is improtant to work as desired.
	The VSS is also factored in to the TCC operation, and possibly shift light
and I assume requires an accurate signal.  
	One of my books states that VSS is also used for idle stablization and
driveability at low RPM.  In thier descriptions this appears to be a
Moving/still switch and no great accuracy required.  
	A simple /2 of VSS signal will raise speed cut out and not affect
driveability but do not know the affects on TCC operation.

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