netscape trashing e-mail was Re: Honda ident. request

Alain Toussaint alaint at
Fri Jan 29 07:04:21 GMT 1999

> I think netscape ate my previous reply.  What an unadulterated piece of
> trash it is.  Maybe it'll get better when AOL owns it (ha ha ha).

wait untill they release the mail & news portion as OSS (OpenSource
Software),the only showstopper preventing them is that they use a
comercial database software for storing mail and they can't release THAT
source (it's from another company),they are considering using the gnu
database lib as replacement,when they do that,i expect a lot of hacker
will clean the app (and really shrink the size,can you say communicator 6
delivered on 3 floppy ??).

Alain Toussaint
alaint at

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