fuel pumps
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Sun Jan 31 01:12:54 GMT 1999
I will also be converting to EFI shortly and wonder if the following will
Use a low pressure electric pump mounted by the tank feeding forward to an
insulated fuel resovoir ( say 1 liter in size) mounted in the engine
compartment equipped with a float to keep the level constant. Then feed the
high pressure pump locally from the bottom of the resovoir and route the
regulator bypass outlet back to the top of the resovoir. The only problem
that I can see is possibly vapour being trapped at the top of the tank.
From: Fran and Bud[SMTP:quest100 at gte.net]
Sent: January 30, 1999 2:17 AM
To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: fuel pumps
Best performance will be gained by mounting the pump low and as close to
gas tank as possible, making the low pressure (inlet) flow circuit short.
Most pumps don't do well with suction, but are happy pushing all the gas
they can get.
>From: "Mike Pilkenton" <mpilkent at ptw.com>
>To: "DIY-EFI" <DIY_EFI at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>, "4/6 Cyl. Performance"
<DomesticPerformance at onelist.com>
>Subject: fuel pumps
>Date: Sat, Jan 30, 1999, 4:34 PM
>Well I'm deep into my engine conversion project and need to install an
>electric fuel pump for the EFI engine (3.1L V6). Question is do I have to
>put the fuel pump back in the tank or can I install the pump up by the
>engine. I know I need the high pressure type made for FI engines and not
>the carb (low pressure). Mounting anaftermarket in-line pump up by the
>engine sure would be more convenient. Any advice would be appreciated.
>Mike Pilkenton
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