fuel pumps
Greg Hermann
bearbvd at sni.net
Sun Jan 31 02:55:50 GMT 1999
>I will also be converting to EFI shortly and wonder if the following will
>Use a low pressure electric pump mounted by the tank feeding forward to an
>insulated fuel resovoir ( say 1 liter in size) mounted in the engine
>compartment equipped with a float to keep the level constant. Then feed the
>high pressure pump locally from the bottom of the resovoir and route the
>regulator bypass outlet back to the top of the resovoir. The only problem
>that I can see is possibly vapour being trapped at the top of the tank.
So put a small (like a holley #60 or so jet) for an orifice at the top of
the tank, and connect it to a return line back to the tank.
>From: Fran and Bud[SMTP:quest100 at gte.net]
>Sent: January 30, 1999 2:17 AM
>To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Re: fuel pumps
>Best performance will be gained by mounting the pump low and as close to
>gas tank as possible, making the low pressure (inlet) flow circuit short.
>Most pumps don't do well with suction, but are happy pushing all the gas
>they can get.
>>From: "Mike Pilkenton" <mpilkent at ptw.com>
>>To: "DIY-EFI" <DIY_EFI at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>, "4/6 Cyl. Performance"
><DomesticPerformance at onelist.com>
>>Subject: fuel pumps
>>Date: Sat, Jan 30, 1999, 4:34 PM
>>Well I'm deep into my engine conversion project and need to install an
>>electric fuel pump for the EFI engine (3.1L V6). Question is do I have to
>>put the fuel pump back in the tank or can I install the pump up by the
>>engine. I know I need the high pressure type made for FI engines and not
>>the carb (low pressure). Mounting anaftermarket in-line pump up by the
>>engine sure would be more convenient. Any advice would be appreciated.
>>Mike Pilkenton
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