DIY_EFI Digest V4 #436

ARoss10661 at ARoss10661 at
Wed Jul 28 21:30:47 GMT 1999

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:39:10 -0400
> From: Barry Tisdale <btisdale at>
> Subject: Trip computer?
> I owned a Dodge Omni, early '80s carb version, which had an aftermarket
trip computer installed.  It'd give you MPG, time to empty, miles & time to
destination, etc.  Info needed by it was wheel rpm, time & fuel flow.
Flowmeter on fuel line to carb gave it that info.
> Question:  are there any units available for FI engines, where a fuel
flowmeter wouldn't be of much use?  Could you get *any* sort of accuracy
calculating from rpm, bpw & throttle opening?  Maybe 2 flowmeters, one on
supply rail, one on return line, subtract out from in?
> Any thoughts from anyone?

> Thanks - Barry

The "compucruise" unit (sounds like what you have) was available with a
little black box for EFI use that totalled the injector open time to
calculate fuel flow. Worked real good.

I have a brand new "compucruise kit" in a box.  I asked on the list about it 
and one fellow said he had the conversion kit to make it for efi,  ck the 


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