Help on op-amp (?) circuit

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Tue Jun 1 21:10:35 GMT 1999

----- Original Message -----
From: Gustaf Ulander <gustaf.ulander at>
To: EFI <diy_efi at>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 9:33 AM
Subject: Help on op-amp (?) circuit

Use a comparotar, something like a 339, I think is the number.  Op-Amps can
get twitchy, for enables.

| Hi folks
| I need some help on a somewhat trivial (?) circuit.
| I want to use the throttle position sensor (TPS) on my Ford Sierra (Bosch
| L-jetronic/Motronic) throttle body to activate a relay switch (12 volts)
| my turbo setup. I also want to be able to adjust the point where the
| activates.
| I think I could do away with a LM 324 or LM 328, but I'm not sure, and I
| also would need some hints on how to design the complete circuit.
| Hope someone can help me out here.
| Regards
| Gustaf
| _______________________________________
| Gustaf Ulander
| Quality and Environmental affairs
| Berco Produktion AB, Skelleftea, Sweden
| phone  +46 (0)910-77 51 00
| telefax +46 (0)910-854 93
| Personal homepage;

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