code 101

rr RRauscher at
Fri Jun 11 02:41:51 GMT 1999

Hoping to compliment what Steve and others have
been doing, I'll describe some actual code.

What follows is a code fragment from the beginning
of the spark advance calculation. I'll explain what
the code is doing as I go along.



--starts here--

In general terms, this code does a look-up into the
main SA table, based on current engine MAP (load) and
RPM. It then does a Slope calculation for any
additional SA, based on RPM.

For the following:

	rpm = 4000
	map = 40Kpa

We are just cruising down the highway, when the 
ecm needs to do it's Spark Advance calculation...

* ECM 1227747 SA table ASDZ
* reg X is 16 bit (2 bytes)
* reg A is 8 bits (1 byte)
* reg B is 8 bits (1 byte)
* RAM and eprom locations are 8 bits each.

Code  Branch   Instruction:      Comments:
Adr:  label:

E759: 		LDX #$D032 	; Loads the X reg with the location
				; of the MAIN SA TABLE. The '#$D032'
				; is an immediate value, known as a
				; hardcoded value. The SA table resides
				; in the eprom.
				; The '#' designates an immediate value
				; The '$' means that it's in hex
E75C: 		LDAB L0026 	; Loads the B reg from RAM location L0026,
				; with the current MAP value.
				; So: B = 64 = MAP/0.625 => (40/0.625 = 64)
E75E: 		LDAA L001B 	; Loads the A reg from RAM location L001B,
				; with the current RPM value.
				; So: A = 160 = RPM/25 => (4000/25 = 160)
E760: 		JSR LFB67 	; Jump to SubRoutine for a 3d Look-Up. The
				; subroutine is located at address 0xFB67.
				; This gets the SA value from the proper
				; table location. We then return to
				; execute the next instruction.
				; The 'looked-up' value will be 'returned'
				; in the A reg. (A = 102 => 35.8 deg), and
				; stored in RAM location L0051 by the Look
				; Up routine.
				; Since the table ends at 3600 rpm, and
				; the current rpm is 4000 rpm, the last
				; row in the table will be used (3600 rpm).
E763: 		LDAB L001C 	; Loads the B reg from RAM location L001C,
				; with the current RPM value. 
				; So: B = 160 = RPM/25
E765: 		CMPB #144 	; Compare reg B value with the value 144.
				; So: B - 144 => (160 - 144 = 16), The '16'
				; (the result), doesn't get used. But
				; condition code flags have been set
				; according to the result of the compare.
				; 144 * 25 = 3600 RPM, the end of the 
				; main spark table. This is where any
				; added SA slope begins.
E767: 		BLS LE77E 	; Branch Less Than: Branch if RPM less-than
				; 3600 RPM. Branch to LE77E, a short distance
				; down the code, and skip whats between here
				; at the 'branch-to' location.
				; This branch is based on the previous 
				; Compare instruction using the condition
				; code flags.
				; Our RPM is @ 4000, so we don't branch
				; and continue on.
E769: 		CMPB LD00C 	; Compare the reg B value against an eprom
				; table value of 168 (4200 RPM).
				; So: B - LD00C => (160 - 168 = -8)
				; This is the MAIN SPK  HIGH EXTEND located
				; at 0xD00C (LD00C)
E76C: 		BLS LE771 	; Branch Less Than: We take the branch, as
				; the above compare gave us a result less
				; than zero. We continue after the next
				; instruction, as we 'jumped' past it.
				; The branch to address is 0xE771.
E76E: 		LDAB LD00C 	; Load reg B from LD00C, MAX Slope RPM. The
				; code would execute this if our RPM was
				; above 4200. This clips the RPM value to
				; this maximum possible value for the calc.
				; So: B = 168 => (168 * 25 = 4200rpm)
E771: LE771 	SUBB #144 	; Subtract from reg B the immediate value
				; of 144 (3600 RPM). Reg B still has our
				; current RPM, (or the max slope rpm if
				; the current rpm was greater than 4200 rpm).
				; So: B - 144 => (160 - 144 = 16), B = 16
E773: 		ASLB 		; Arithmetic Shift Left B, shifts all the
				; bits in reg B once to the left. This has
				; the effect of multiplying the value in
				; reg B by 2 (double it).
				; So: B << 1 => (16 * 2 = 32), B = 32
E774: 		LDAA LD00D 	; Load reg A from eprom location LD00D, with
				; the SA per 1k RPM value. This value is 46
				; for ~5.1 degrees every 1000 rpm.
				; So: A = 46
E777: 		MUL 		; Multiply reg A times reg B, and put
				; the result in reg's A & B.
				; So: A * B => (46 * 32 = 1472), the
				; value 1472 is stored in reg's A & B.
				; Reg A has the high order 8 bits, reg B
				; has the low order 8 bits of the result.
E778: 		ADDA L0051 	; Add to reg A the value found in RAM
				; at location L0051, this is from the
				; previous look-up of the main SA value.
				; NOte some strangeness here, the calc'd
				; slope value is in reg's A & B, but the
				; code is dropping the reg B part. This
				; in effect is causing the value in A&B
				; to be divided by 256. (subtle, eh?)
				; So: 1472 / 256 = 5, the value held by
				; reg A.
				; So: A + L0051 => (5 + 102 = 107), reg A
				; now contains the value 107, or in degrees
				; of SA: 107 * .351 = 37.5 deg. (The .351
				; is the conversion factor for SA values).
				; The slope calc added 1.7 deg of SA.
E77A: 		BCC LE77E 	; Branch if Carry Clear to location LE77E;
				; We will take the branch, carry is clear. 
				; 'Carry' is a condition code flag that
				; is set according to the previous
				; ADDA instruction. Carry would be set if
				; the result of adding reg A to the value
				; in location L0051 was greater than 255.
				; In that case, the value left in reg A
				; would not be represenative of the 'real'
				; result.
E77C: 		LDAA #255 	; Load reg A with 255, force a max limit.
				; we would need to do this if the carry flag
				; was set, as what is in reg A is bogus,
				; and smaller then the real value.
				; (So: A = 255, if executed)
E77E: LE77E 	TAB 		; Transfer reg A value to reg B. Both
				; reg A and reg B will have the value 107
				; in them.
				; So: B = A = 107
E77F: 		CLRA 		; Clear reg A, set reg A = 0.
E780: 		STD L0057 	; Store Double into RAM at location L0057.
				; A Double is reg A & B together.
				; So: L0057 & L0058 hold the double value
				; of regs A&B => 107.
				; Since 107 fits in 8 bits, L0057 will
				; contain zero, and L0058 will contain 107.

The value 107 will be further modified by additional code, PE, Knock,
coolant comp, to name a few. It will then be converted into a value
the ecm hardware can use to control when the distributor fires.

; eof ;


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