low cost embedded PC's

Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Thu Jun 17 11:56:55 GMT 1999

Okay - here's a thought...

The other day, at a trash-and-treasure sale at the local shopping centre,
I picked up a few different printer ethernet controller units. These have
a 10baseT and/or 10base2 connector and one or two parallel ports and sometimes
a serial port too. They are used on a network to connect PCs to a networked

Two of them had 80C188 microcontrollers and another two had Z180s. Two even had 
large flash ROMs. All of them, except the Intel unit, also came in a nice brushed
aluminium box. I payed $2.00 each (on average) for these "gems" and  I started
to think what other uses I could put them to. Gee, whaddya know....

So, here's my new (long term) project, the $2.00 EFI. 

Anyone interrested?

Peter Gargano

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