Non-diy_efi, dyno help

Pat Ford pford at
Mon Jun 21 13:05:34 GMT 1999

Previously, you (David Cooley) wrote:
> At 03:03 PM 6/18/99 -0400, you wrote:
> > did you know you can freeze a can of shaving cream (after shaking it) with
> >liquid nitrogen, cut the can awway and it will expand as it thaws..

 In the hillbilly haven I live in ( I moved in, then, found out about the locals)
the kids go nuts on haloween. the day after the town is littered with egg shells,
looks kinda like snow. They also burnt down a concrete bridge ( burnt throught 
the asphalt, and into the stryofoam core, the whole road bed jut fell onto the
the concrete deck 3' below)

 I main group of egg tosers are from the surrounding farms, and they all park in
the baseball feild. After getting egged once too often in did the shaving foam 
trick to all the cars in the feild.

 BTW 2 cans is overkill for a firefly ( suzuki swift) 8)

> Hehehe... Too Cool...
> My favorite was a Nitrogen Bomb...
> Put about a 2 inch deep layer of LN2 in the bottom of a 2 litre coke bottle
> and cap it and run... LN2 expands 700 times as it turns from a liquid to a
> gas...  Heck of a boom and a big white mushroom cloud!
> =========================================================== 
> David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at 
> Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA T.A.P.R. Member #7068 
> We are Borg... Prepare to be assimilated! 
> ===========================================================

Pat Ford                           email: pford at
QNX Software Systems, Ltd.           WWW:
(613) 591-0931      (voice)         mail: 175 Terrence Matthews          
(613) 591-3579      (fax)                 Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

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