Electric water pumps (was) alt charging cont sw

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Fri Mar 12 19:17:16 GMT 1999

Here we go.  Let's use an electric clutch on the fan pulley, temp
controlled, wot disable, high water temp override. Hmm.. but probably
don't want to run with pump sitting still so adding viscous coupling
could keep it spinning some, until the electric unit engages.  Or
wait!  Hydraulically driven, PWM modulated off the power steering
pump!  That's it!  Fixed volume flow when solenoid is closed for
minimum rotation, electric failure causes open solenoid and full flow
so no overheat.  Now I've just got to find a hydraulic motor. (My bid
for CSH of the day ends here.)

'Course all this could be done electrically if a motor capable of
providing enough water pump speed were used.  The electric motors I
see driving waterpumps are pretty small, and really underdrive the
unit through pulley reduction.  If we're using electronic speed
control, is there any reason we can't use a more powerful motor and,
uhh, reduce the reduction?  The stuff I see is on drag cars, and I'm
sure they want to keep current draw to a minimum since there's no
alternator, either.  But with a street car (or old Dodge truck), we'd
have the alternator to keep the system charged.  I'm actually thinking
this will work.  Motor selection is the key here, methinks.  Uhh..
hold on, I'll be right back.  I think the coffee's done. : )

Roger Heflin wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Glen Beard wrote:
> > Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
> >
> > > > you should see what a diff an electric sater pump makes
> > > > some stock pumps use more than 30 HP at redline on a revver
> > >
> > > I've heard this, however never had the courage to venture into this method.  I've
> > > always been afraid that the alternator would go, and the pump would slow down and
> > > not cool properly.  Probably a silly fear, since the EFI systems I slap on
> > > everything run off the alternator too.  No voltage, no anything, not just water.
> >
> > Now water pumps...  I believe that electric water pumps are worth more than just HP.
> > You can run them whit the electric fans in the staging lanes to cool the motor.
> >
> > Don't the dragsters run the 1/4 w/o a water pump at all?  You could turn it off just
> > before the run.
> >
> It is useful to have an electric water pump, but I believe drag race
> is about the only use.   There are several people (on the f-body list
> with electric pumps), that say that the do not flow enough for road
> racing, so that needs to be kept in mine when looking at one.  It may
> comprimise being able to use the vehicle as a daily drive or a road
> race vehicle.  If I was only drag racing, I would have an electric.
>                                         Roger

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