O2 Sensor Current?
David A. Cooley
n5xmt at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 25 14:30:30 GMT 1999
A while back, Ludis posted a fix for reading your 27S181 on a standard prom
burner and what was required to use a regular EPROM. It's on his web page:
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Martin <marttj at pcmail.css.mot.com>
To: diy_efi at esl2.eng.ohio-state.edu <diy_efi at esl2.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Thursday, March 25, 1999 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: O2 Sensor Current?
>How would the ECM react or the O2 sensor react with a 1M from O2 sense to
>I will look into the Op Amp circuit, probably best way.
>Has anyone on the list ever decoded the PROM on the 307 "Y" engine? Is
there an older version of code with less part throttle spark advance? Can
>someone program a chip for me? I do not have a programmer that will burn
the 27S181, I have contemplated adpating a different rom for it, I have one
>mine, (don't remember it right off hand) but is is nearly pin to pin
compatable, but has 2 more than the 27S181. I have a Data !/O 288A
>Anyone use one? It will not read my 27S181, anyone know how I can make it?
>My long term prject is to TBI this car, I think it would be a great running
car with a TBI on it, or better yet, SFI.
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