Chip for Northstar

Paul Tholey pxtx at
Mon Mar 29 22:38:41 GMT 1999

I thought I heard once that the Torque Mangmnt cuts out after 18 mph.  SO
if you could trick it into thinking it is always over 18 mph via the VSS
this might be a simple solution to this problem.  Any thoughts?

Just my 2c

Paul Tholey

At 04:06 AM 3/29/99 PST, you wrote:
>   I have a very unique car.  I have a 1987 Fiero GT with a 1995 
>Cadillac Northstar.  It runs great but it will not peel out.  I only 
>know of about 5 of these projects in the Nation and they all have this 
>problem.  My engine only has 16,000 miles on it. (just for you info).  I 
>think that it is the Torque Management located in the PROM.  Torque 
>Management was to make sure you do not peel out under a heavy load 
>situation.  It kills injectors and plays with the timing.  It is all 
>explained in the GM manual.  I had Super Chip try to make a chip for me 
>and they said that they could take care of the problem.  It still did 
>not fix it.  I was wondering if you guys could help me out?  Please let 
>me know.  Thank you.
>Chris Moore 
>ASE Master Auto Tech
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