MAF GM systems

Todd Israels israels at MNSi.Net
Tue Mar 30 00:11:35 GMT 1999

At 03:01 PM 3/25/99 EST, you wrote:
>Yes, I have.  On a SBC TPI system.  Using the HC11 as the controller.  Had a
>problem with the MAF sensor.  I've read in some GM manuals that the output of
>the MAF sensor is proportional to mass air flow.  So I designed the system to
>handle a y=mx+b type equation, and had pots to vary m and b.  And I had
>nothing but trouble.  I could get a good idle, but poor mid and top end.
>I adjusted for top end and midrange and idle would be WAY rich.  I finally
>flowed the MAF with an anemometer and behold
>             Air mass varied as the square of output of the MAF sensor
>So a little math fixed that.
	Any details on this system available.  I wanted to use this processor as
the programing experince gained would apply to GM systems and be a step
toward understanding EFI332 programing.  I have not seen mutch interest in
the use of this processor on this list.  If the info is availabel and
system works I would be intersted in building one, as i and following more
than contributing to EFI332.  
			Todd Israels

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