Shutting fuel off whie driving.

Walter Sherwin wsherwin at
Wed Mar 31 23:41:33 GMT 1999

>>Flashing at this rate would not appear as constant.  However, the pulse
>>width at idle would be so short that we might not even see it flicker.  In
>>fact, the duty cycle will always be so low (12.5% max on 8 cyl) that the
>>will only ever appear dimly lit at best.
>When we talk duty cycle on any engine's injectors, is it the percentage of
>open time to time between intake events or percentage of open time to
>time regardless of RPM etc...
>Reason I ask, is if my V6 is at 5200 RPM (see's it at least once a day!)
>then it is running 5200/60/2 43.3 intake cycles per second or intake events
>every 23.1ms.  With a 23.1ms injector PW, that would be 100% duty cycle

The English language is a terribly convoluted thing!  "Injector Duty Cycle"
by definition, is the ratio of the time during which the injector  is
asserted (ON), over the time during which it could be asserted (ON),
irregardless of the engine's mechanical state.  An injector's "Duty Cycle"
is primarily applicable to "Control Theory",  and as such one would be
interested in "how much of the available time have I used versus the time
that could be used?"    Duty Meters, do not give an accurate representation
of injector duty cycle.   The calculation of "Injector Duty Cycle" will
depend upon the software that is used in your application, and it's trigger
sequence.  If you have access to an oscilloscope, then this can be
immediately deduced.  There is no easy answer!  You have to know the firing
schedule of your individual injectors, before you can estimate the "Duty


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