DIY, editing, spelling, language, none EFI
nacelp at
Sun Nov 7 22:39:38 GMT 1999
Well, ya lazy covers some of it, but the lack of O2 saturation for a couple
years doesn't help, with spelling, names and a host of other issues.
I've tried running spell check and for all the fooling around using
auto/mechanical abbrevations I have other things to do. Also, this is a
multinational list, and some items lose it in translation.
If the writer pretty well puts a point across, if I know the answer, I
The list goes thru cycles busy at times, and slower at others. When
common research is being done by all it gets huge, when it gets swamped with
off list subjects, it seems to talk a break, and then bounce back.
Some of the slow times yeild the greatest info..
I happen to be editing the archives, and noone appreciates editing replies
better than I, yet at times they are so short, even if you know the thread
you can't make sense of the reply.
>The problem is not with the technology, but with lazy users.
>If people can't expend the effort to edit a reply back to just
>the essentials, and make sure they have HTML turned off, and perhaps
>check their spelling, etc. then the end result will be that fewer
>people will read, and respond, to DIY.
>Flip side is that if the effort involved in deciphering or responding
>is too great, people will not read nor respond anyway. Perhaps that's
>already happened?
>PG. (my $0.02 worth, and a pre-apology for wasting bandwidth)
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