mailing list service

John S. Gwynne jsg at
Thu Nov 11 17:03:43 GMT 1999

| John, can you give us an idea what the minimum requirements would be for
| a machine to handle the lists in non digest mode and the WWW traffic?  I
| guess a 100 Mbit/sec connection would also be good?

Hi Steve,

The load is on the order of 40MBytes+ (on heavy days more like 120M)
each day. I estimate (with diy_efi out of digest mode) from last month
that there are roughly 580k mail messages each month. Operating these
lists in _not_ a small task; a dual channel dedicated ISDN would be
the minimum service if we didn't co-locate. Please make this point
clear to your sister... our bandwidth usage is not insignificant.

I can run the machine from here, BUT... most likely, someone will have 
to physically touch it once a year to do OS upgrades. I would
recommend that I have the machine for a week or two to set it up
before shipping to Dallas.

john gwynne

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