crossfire and a little newsgroup response
Shannen Durphey
shannen at
Mon Nov 22 12:28:57 GMT 1999
> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:03:02 -0600
> From: "Ken Kelly" <ken73 at>
> Subject:
> I'm new to the group, but haven't responded since I see the digest mode (I
> assume everyone else does?) and I'm really more frustrated with the fact
> that I continually get e-mails about things I probably don't care to read
> about (but I'm sure someone out there does.) Not to mention how frustrating
> it is to wade through each e-mail with "Re: DIY_EFI Digest #???" in it. I'm
> never sure if it's something I care to read or not. If this were to become a
> newsgroup, it would make it easier to wade through what you don't care to
> read and what you do care to read, not to mention the threading abilities
> and the larger reader base you'd get. (I'd also be more willing to
> participate more as I'm sure others would.)
> Although, I do admit it makes it easier for spammers to get your address;
> isn't it pretty easy for them to get it in the first place? (Even without
> being in a newsgroup?)
> BTW, my current project right now is heavily modifying my 1982 Corvette. I
> realize this is an arduous task considering the nature of the Cross-Fire
> Injection system, but I have done my research (some of it from here, others
> from books and individuals) on tricks to improve it. I have other projects
> in the kettle that aren't necessarily specific to the Cross-Fire as well
> that are helpful for anyone embarking on DIY-EFI projects.
> My home page can be found at - please be aware
> that this link will re-direct you to my home server at my house. (I have a
> dynamic IP on a cable modem that is linked to that home page.)
> May I suggest that anyone without a newsreader please respond, and maybe we
> can go towards that direction (Newsgroup?) if no one objects?
> Ken Kelly
There's another Ken Kelly here, this could get fun.
This list has only been in digest mode for a short time. It worked
quite well before that, and I would like to see it as a regular
mailing list again.
As far as your crossfire goes, there's a few of us who've done some
crossfire work. To remove a bunch of the "arduous" from your
crossfire, use a 1227747 ecm from a pickup. It's a real
straightforward swap. I've got mine in a 57 Chevy pickup on a 302,
there's a couple other guys here that are running or working of
crossfire also. Be sure and read the tuning tips, they were written
by a guy getting 13's in a Camaro with crossfire.
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