DIY_EFI Digest V4 #553

Rich Mauruschat rsrich at
Fri Oct 1 11:18:17 GMT 1999

Assuming you have Motronic 1.5, have you checked the idle speed control
valve - this is a rotary valve which controls the idle speed by opening or
closing as neccessary an air channel which bypasses the throttle plate.
These can get affected by oil/carbon from the breather system which causes a
blockage or sticking; maybe heat is making this worse?
Just a thought.

-----Original Message-----
From: DIY_EFI Digest <DIY_EFI-Digest-Owner at>
To: DIY_EFI-Digest at
<DIY_EFI-Digest at>
Date: 30 September 1999 11:04
Subject: DIY_EFI Digest V4 #553

>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:25:58 +0200
>From: Putter C <cputter at>
>Subject: Bosch Motronic
>I have a problem with my opel(vauxhaul) Astra 200i (Not the EURO series).
>Maybe anybody on the list have seen the following syntoms:
>When I drive for quit a while (1-2hours) and go to stop at a trafic light
>then the masjine tends to stall, I have changed air fileters, feul filters
>and sparc-plugs(the usual), but the probleem seems to be a little deeper.
>Any help would be appreciated.
> Carlo Putter
>Development Engineer SED Ontwerps ingenieur SED
>University of Stellenbosch Universiteit van Stellenbosch
>South Africa Suid Afrika
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