Up Up and away
Ade + Lamb Chop
alaw at mrc.soton.ac.uk
Sat Oct 9 11:40:04 GMT 1999
At 05:00 08/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Now I am not saying that a Pulsewidth[MAP,RPM] table will not produce a nice
>clean precise fuel mixture for an engine. It does. But, the MAP and the
>only tell you how fast the air in the intake manifold will travel into the
>cylinder and not how fast the replacement air moves that is drawn into the
>manifold past the throttle plate. Yes, on average a higher altitude will
>create an average lower MAP and lean off the mixture a little; but not
>simply because the Dyno runs for that MAP and RPM value had a different
>outside the throttle plate and the replacement air moves at a higher
Right you have sold me, BUT (very big but) How bad is the effect? It cannot
be that bad other wise cars with Carbs would suffer problems wouldn't they?
Unless you are wrong :-)
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