DIY_EFI Digest V5 #32

Roy spectric at
Fri Jan 21 13:40:16 GMT 2000

>From Roy Spectrics Ltd

The sole purpose of EGR is to reduce exhaust emisions,
it has a detrimental effect on both engine efficiency
and power output.

To reduce the heating effect EGR has on the incomming
air in the inlet manifold, EGR coolers are being
introduced, so basic EGR does not reduce the incomming
air temperature !.  What it does do is to reduce the
rate at which the flame front travels through the
mixture during combustion.

             Hope this helps Roy

--- DIY_EFI Digest
<DIY_EFI-Digest-Owner at>
> DIY_EFI Digest       Thursday, January 20 2000      
> Volume 05 : Number 032
> In this issue:
> 	re:Minimum to run GMECM? 
> 	Re: re:Minimum to run GMECM? 
> 	Re: Knock
> 	Re: DIY_EFI Digest V5 #29
> See the end of the digest for information on
> subscribing to the 
> DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists.
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 08:53:19 -0500
> From: "jtyler" <jtyler at>
> Subject: re:Minimum to run GMECM? 
> Bruce wrote: 
> >So you with this limited 
> >background want to jump in and redesign what gm has
> spent millions of >dollars on..
> Not at all.  The point is NOT to design a ground up
> system!
> In fact you are whom suggested I check into the GM's
> for a BASIC
> FI conversion application.
> >2nd, leaving all/most/some of the sensors
> disconnected negates any 
> >benefits to running efi,  might as install a carb..
> You misunderstood the purpose of the question.  I
> plan on running
> several sensors (except VSS)for the reason you
> mentioned, but I would like to start with just the
> ignition, map,temp and TPS if that would work.  
> So, other than setting service codes, will the ECM
> run like this,
> or will it likely go into a limp home mode of some
> type?
> Jim
> Dopey
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 10:07:27 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: re:Minimum to run GMECM? 
> You want to run the system, in your own
> configuration, for what ever reason.
> Your not going to like it when your done.
> Look in the archives, for the dozen of so threads
> about deleting the VSS.
> The other inputs are all necessary, also.
> It is far easier to plan things out once, install it
> all, and then fine tune
> something then cob bit by bit together.
> I'm just trying to save you time/money, I been thru
> this dozens of times,
> on+off list.
> You want to ignore this, fine, least I tried
> Grumpy
> | You misunderstood the purpose of the question.  I
> plan on running
> | several sensors (except VSS)for the reason you
> mentioned, but I would like
> to start with just the ignition, map,temp and TPS if
> that would work.
> | So, other than setting service codes, will the ECM
> run like this,
> | or will it likely go into a limp home mode of some
> type?
> | Jim
> | Dopey
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 09:13:51 -0600
> From: "Robert W. Hughes" <rwhughe at>
> Subject: Re: Knock
> > > Actually, the exhaust gases dilute the mixture
> and make the combustion
> > > temperatures lower. 
> > 
> > How do you add hot and get cold?
> > I'm confused....
> > 
> > > From: "Scott Croughwell" <scott at>
> >  
> > > > How does the hot exhaust gas cool the fresh
> charge.... Or have I got this
> > > > wrong and you mean that the exhaust gas isn't
> heating the cool intake charge
> > > > and the cold intake charge is causing the
> detonation????
> > > 
> > > Believe it or not... the gasses coming from the
> EGR have had enough time to cool
> > > enough so that the portion of exhaust temp
> re-entering the intake port is cooler
> > > than the intake manifold.
> and from another note
> > With EGR operational, as
> > soon as the valve opened under the same conditions
> the intake manifold temp
> > jumped to 210F on a 75F day.  I think that it is
> less a temperature issue
> > than a charge dilution issue.  But with some fine
> tuning of the spark map,
> > you can easily eliminate any detonation you may
> experience.
> This is what I was saying. The exhaust gases dilute
> the mixture and and
> result in cooler combustion chamber temperatures
> which reduces nitrogen
> oxide formation. The mixture also burns slower and
> so requires more
> ignition advance. The exhaust gases are not cooler
> than the intake, on
> my car they are hot enough to melt and burn out
> 60-40 solder in copper
> piping.
> > 
> > Wow so the exhaust gas is cooler than the intake I
> never would have thought 
> > so.... hell I'm not even running emmissions gear,
> don't have to here in NZ. It 
> > is even legal to remove cats.... 
> How about dogs? sorry
> - -- 
> Robert W. Hughes (Bob)
> BackYard Engineering
> 29:40.237N, 95:28.726W
> Houston, Texas
> rwhughe at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 19:15:30 +0000
> From: Ade + Lamb Chop <alaw at>
> Subject: Re: DIY_EFI Digest V5 #29
> >Hi Ade,
> >
> >I had a mini catalogue a while ago which listed an
> LCB Y peice with a boss
> >for mounting a lambda sensor. Unfortunately I can't
> find the catalogue
> >anymore, but I would suggest you try the usual big
> suppliers MiniSpares,
> >MiniSport, MiniSpeed, etc. I bet you non mini
> owners just can't believe the
> >cunning originality in these names ;-) Or maybe
> even try going directly to
> >somebody like Maniflow. Either way it would be
> cheaper than wrecking a whole
> >LCB.
> >
> >Gareth Jones
> I have just bought a nice maniflow LCB... I am not
> going to buy another
> other one!
> Ade
> ------------------------------
> End of DIY_EFI Digest V5 #32
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