Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Fri Nov 24 04:07:30 GMT 2000

Bruce Plecan tapped away at the keyboard with:
> > Please don't take the DDL as criticism of DIY EGOR or your efforts.
> > The work done on DIY EGOR is a good foundation and helps us to
> > understand how to handle WB02 sensors.
> I rest my case.  You in your own words, compromised your earlier
> statements.

You've obviously mis-understood what I've written.

In no way is DDL based on the DIY EGOR circuit and related details
published by you, as should be obvious from a cursory examination of
the web page referenced.

If you were to consult the DIY_EFI archives for June 17th, 2000
you'd find a message authored by myself, dealing with a
microcontroller close-coupled to a WB02 sensor to set the pump
current and thereby determine AFR.
(Message-Id: 200006171523.XAA16797 at flywheel.innovative.iinet.net.au)

The DDL is designed to do more than simply deliver a single output
representing AFR. It provides possibilities to explore new knowledge
about the sensors such as cell temperature measurement by adding
little more than a few resistors and a trace on the circuit board.

Neither DIY EGOR, nor DDL should by any stretch of the imagination
be thought of as the "only" or the "right" way to handle WB02

I firmly believe that we can learn most by examining the ideas of
others, without prejudice as to where those ideas originate or if
those ideas may challenge our own ideas and efforts. The experience
may sometimes be unpleasant.

 /"\  Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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