SpeedPro Tuning
Jörgen Karlsson
jorgen.m.karlsson at home.se
Mon Jun 18 16:31:07 GMT 2001
I have done some tuning with the speedpro.
Do most of the tuning on the road, you only need a dyno after the ve table
is finished. That is to find the correct target AFR and to optimize the
ignition curve for your engine. It is a lot easier to listen to knock on the
dyno then on the road.
A good start is to get a map from a similar engine, then you change the
displacement to that of your engine. Do the same thing with the injector
size. This part is very important.
First you have to set up the datalogging, unfortunally I have forgot all
about this part. But aim for 15s logtime.
Now you need to make sure that the 'dash' you use has all the parameters you
need in the log. I find o2corr, o2, o2target, intake pressure and tps to be
Go to the VE screen. Choose a dash that are suitable.
Let the engine idle until it has warmed up.
Then check how much the speedpro has to compensate at idle, 'o2 Corr' is
what you look at. Mark the area where your engine idles and press '*' if the
speedpro adds 15% then type 115 in the window that has come up. If it
subtracts 15% then type85 in the window.
Now it is time to do a pull at very low load. Go to the log screen, lock in
second gear start the logger and drive at the same load until you dont want
to rev it more.
Take a quick look at the log, then go to the ve table again. Press 'o' (if i
remember right) the log file is now traced on the map. When you follow the
trace with the arrows the dash present the values in the log at that load
Make any needed changes, make an other testrun at the same load. Make more
corrections if needed. Then copy that row of VE data all the way to the top
of the map.
Now repeat the test run at the next load level, continue until you are at
full load. Compensate where necessary.
As long as you are withing +-7% correction you are ok, very fast cars need
to get a bit closer.
Good luck
Jörgen Karlsson
Gothenburg, Sweden.
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