[Diy_efi] Timing Advance Curve?

Mike erazmus at iinet.net.au
Fri Dec 20 04:39:02 GMT 2002


A poor mans detonation sensor for each cylinder could be as
simple as an EGT sensor correctly positioned without the
mechanical noise issue prevalent with peizo sensors,
the cost of pyrometers with associated electronics could
well be less than the highest spec piezo sensors and
simultaneuously provide exhaust gas temperature - nice :-)

Or rather use EGT in correlation with a couple of piezo
sensors for fine detail prior to step change in EGT.

The 3L block (RB30ET) for my Nissan motor in my GMH (Aust),
has place for 3 detonation sensors, I guess I'll start
with one EGT ahead of the turbo,



At 04:54 PM 19/12/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>> The limitation is that at the onset of detonation EGT will
>> rise sharply.
>In normal combustion, there is a "boundary layer" of air (or
>A/F) that "sticks" to the metal surfaces and acts like an
>insulator between the combustion temps and the metal. The
>shock waves from detonation "scour" this layer away, exposing
>the metal to the high temps, metal temps skyrocket, combustion
>temps plummet.
>So, EGT *DROPS* w/ detonation, you're in for a big surprise
>if you are expecting it to "rise sharply".
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